Naked gay men on beach

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It’s a social place where you can relax to some tunes, talk to friends, enjoy the crystal clear water, and feel free in the way nature intended. Gay nude beaches: Elia Beach, Mykonos (Flickr) Looking for a LGBT-friendly beach in the Mediterranean? Look no further than the Greek Mykonos island, with its infamous nudist Elia beach. The freedom means that it is a bit gay and a bit nude, at least the further North you go from the road leading to Torre del Lago.” Elia Beach, Mykonos, Greece They continued: “La Lecciona is probably the last free beach in the region – no deckchairs or umbrellas, just sand and the sea. One TripAdvisor reviewer gave Lecciona beach five stars, calling it “ the perfect Tuscan beach!”

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The beautiful sandy area is also a free space in that it is clothing-optional and is used as a popular nude beach due to its privacy. It’s a free gay beach in Tuscany, Italy, in which you bring your own essentials such as towels, food, water or deck chairs.

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The clothing optional area is extremely popular among LGBT+ tourists and they even have a gay beach restaurant by it called Chiringay. (Wikimedia Commons)Īs the party island of Europe, you may want to rest off your hangover at the gay spot Es Cavallet Beach.

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